Thursday, April 20, 2017

The Dreaded "Almost Walking" Stage

Behold. The evolution of a spawn.

You've gotten this far and managed to keep the kid alive & your sanity somewhat intact. What could possibly be next? 


And it's the worst part. 

Not necessarily the walking is the worst. It's a huge milestone and you can look forward to not having to lug a monkey on your hip as often. The stage that kiddies go through right BEFORE the walking... That's what I'm talking about. 

They can pull themselves up onto just about anything. Your table with the glass vase, watch it. The toilet, ugh, just keep the door closed. The oven, I don't think I need to go into any more detail.

My little guy's current favorite past time is pulling himself into a stance on the dryer, and smacking the shit out of it until I feel like it may smack him back. 
"Look at all of these toys you have! Why do you choose to play with the dryer?"

It's really fun to watch them learn new things and grow day by day. But sometimes, I feel the sudden urge to wrap the little demon in bubble wrap because of the constant falls and head bumps.

Did we grow up this fast?
I wonder if our parents ever thought, 
 I wonder if I can sell this thing for drugs?
I can't wait til this kid can wipe its own ass.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Buck the Easter Funny

I'd like to start this post off by saying, I am not here to offend any religion. Easter IS a holiday, and I'm not mad at it.

What I am mad at... 
Is how hideous and traumatizing they have made the Easter Bunny.

If you are one of the guilty parties who drags your child to the mall for a photo with this demonic "bunny", you should re-evaluate this whole parenting thing.
But, if you're looking for a successful punishment, I guess this would be it.

Bunnies are super cute. Don't get me wrong. On the other hand, when you throw a large man or woman into a bunny costume where its face looks like it came out of an extremely bad acid trip, it's not so adorable anymore.

If you don't agree, you are either blind or have not seen these prime examples I will happily share with you. I'm trying to save the children from the fear of the terrifying creature we call the.... Easter Bunny. 

Please. Just buy them the chocolate instead. Throw some cash into a plastic egg. Whatever alternative. Do it for the children. 

Happy Spring!

Linking up with:

Epic Mommy Adventures

JENerally Informed

Show Me Yours Linky #7


*We've changed how long this blog link up lasts. Entries close at midnight on Saturday mornings, rather than Sunday.

Happy Hump Day! WebMDiva and I are back for week SIX of our linky kinky collab, #ShowMeYours. Each Wednesday at 12 a.m. EST. our link up will go live. (We'll run through the weekend until midnight on Saturday mornings.)

The rules? Well, rules were made to be broken. So we're going to keep it short and sweet.

1. Link up as many posts as you want. Promote your blog, your brand, your business, your giveaways, or even your own blog hops. No topic is off-limits. Who are we to judge?

2. While it's not required, please try to visit both hosts. Drop us a comment, throw us a tweet, or give us a follow. We're both some serious follow back girls.

3. Wanna be tweethearts? Tag us both, @webmdiva and @cmoundslclouds using the hashtag #ShowMeYours, along with the link to your post, and we'll both kindly retweet you.

4. Again, while it's not the law, please try to visit other blogs. After all, you get what you give! Plus you could meet other really cool people like us. Don't forget your roots. Let others know where you came from using #ShowMeYours.  ;)

5. We'd love for you to follow our new Pinterest board, where we'll be pinning some of our favorite #ShowMeYours link up posts.

6. Spread the love by sharing our link up in any way you see fit. The more exposure our link up gets, the more exposure you'll get.

Oh yeah, we have a cute BUTTon. Grab it if you'd like. (See what we did there?) Or don't. Either way.

Grab button for WebMDiva
<div class="WebMDiva" style="width: 171px; margin: 0 auto;"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"> <img src="" alt="WebMDiva" width="171" height="200" /> </a> </div>

Sound like fun? Show us what you got!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Show Me Yours Linky #6


Happy Hump Day! WebMDiva and I are back for week SIX of our linky kinky collab, #ShowMeYours. Each Wednesday at 12 a.m. EST. our link up will go live. (We'll run through the weekend until midnight on Sunday mornings.)

The rules? Well, rules were made to be broken. So we're going to keep it short and sweet.

1. Link up as many posts as you want. Promote your blog, your brand, your business, your giveaways, or even your own blog hops. No topic is off-limits. Who are we to judge?

2. While it's not required, please try to visit both hosts. Drop us a comment, throw us a tweet, or give us a follow. We're both some serious follow back girls.

3. Wanna be tweethearts? Tag us both, @webmdiva and @cmoundslclouds using the hashtag #ShowMeYours, along with the link to your post, and we'll both kindly retweet you.

4. Again, while it's not the law, please try to visit other blogs. After all, you get what you give! Plus you could meet other really cool people like us. ;)

5. We'd love for you to follow our new Pinterest board, where we'll be pinning some of our favorite #ShowMeYours link up posts.

6. Spread the love by sharing our link up in any way you see fit. The more exposure our link up gets, the more exposure you'll get.

Oh yeah, we have a cute BUTTon. Grab it if you'd like. (See what we did there?) Or don't. Either way.

Grab button for WebMDiva
<div class="WebMDiva" style="width: 171px; margin: 0 auto;"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"> <img src="" alt="WebMDiva" width="171" height="200" /> </a> </div>

Sound like fun? Show us what you got!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Show Me Yours Linky #5


Happy Hump Day!

 I know, you all have missed my antics. I'm currently in the middle of moving & it's been a complete b!tch. I'm really not even half-way done packing. Because, you know, procrastination. I'm so behind and really want to see what everyone has been up to this past week! Keep my mind off of things I need to be doing. ;)

For those who don't know the drill:

WebMDiva and I are ready for week FIVE of our linky kinky collaboration, #ShowMeYours. Each Wednesday at 12 a.m. EST. our link up will go live. (We'll run through the weekend until midnight on Sunday mornings.)

The rules? Well, rules were made to be broken. So we're going to keep it short and sweet.

1. Link up as many posts as you want. Promote your blog, your brand, your business, your giveaways, or even your own blog hops. No topic is off-limits. Who are we to judge?

2. While it's not required, please try to visit both hosts. Drop us a comment, throw us a tweet, or give us a follow. We're both some serious follow back girls.

3. Wanna be tweethearts? Tag us both, @webmdiva and @cmoundslclouds using the hashtag #ShowMeYours, along with the link to your post, and we'll both kindly retweet you.

4. Again, while it's not the law, please try to visit other blogs. After all, you get what you give! Plus you could meet other really cool people like us. ;)

5. We'd love for you to follow our new Pinterest board, where we'll be pinning some of our favorite #ShowMeYours link up posts.

6. Spread the love by sharing our link up in any way you see fit. The more exposure our link up gets, the more exposure you'll get.

Oh yeah, we have a cute BUTTon. Grab it if you'd like. (See what we did there?) Or don't. Either way.

Grab button for WebMDiva
<div class="WebMDiva" style="width: 171px; margin: 0 auto;"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"> <img src="" alt="WebMDiva" width="171" height="200" /> </a> </div>

Sound like fun? We're looking forward to seeing you every Hump Day. Now show us what you got!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Show Me Yours Linky #4


Calling all cool kids....are you linking up this week?

Happy Hump Day! WebMDiva and I are ready for week two of our linky kinky collaboration, #ShowMeYours. Each Wednesday at 12 a.m. EST. our link up will go live. (We'll run through the weekend until midnight on Sunday mornings.)

The rules? Well, rules were made to be broken. So we're going to keep it short and sweet.

1. Link up as many posts as you want. Promote your blog, your brand, your business, your giveaways, or even your own blog hops. No topic is off-limits. Who are we to judge?

2. While it's not required, please try to visit both hosts. Drop us a comment, throw us a tweet, or give us a follow. We're both some serious follow back girls.

3. Wanna be tweethearts? Tag us both, @webmdiva and @cmoundslclouds using the hashtag #ShowMeYours, along with the link to your post, and we'll both kindly retweet you.

4. Again, while it's not the law, please try to visit other blogs. After all, you get what you give! Plus you could meet other really cool people like us. ;)

5. We'd love for you to follow our new Pinterest board, where we'll be pinning some of our favorite #ShowMeYours link up posts.

6. Spread the love by sharing our link up in any way you see fit. The more exposure our link up gets, the more exposure you'll get.

Oh yeah, we have a cute BUTTon. Grab it if you'd like. (See what we did there?) Or don't. Either way.

Grab button for WebMDiva
<div class="WebMDiva" style="width: 171px; margin: 0 auto;"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"> <img src="" alt="WebMDiva" width="171" height="200" /> </a> </div>

Sound like fun? We're looking forward to seeing you every Hump Day. Now show us what you got!

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Braids for Days

Damaging your hair is just the new thing. Between dyes, flat-irons, and trendy ways of styling, it's no wonder healthy hair is so hard to obtain. 

I'm super guilty. You know, the kind of girl that dyed her hair after a break-up, or tossed it up in a knotted-bun just to get it out of her face. I know... Basic. 

About a year ago, I said goodbye to hair dye and tangled up mess in a ponytail. I wanted to let my natural curls run free.

I can't stand when my hair gets in the way of things sometimes. I decided to start braiding my hair for four reasons.

1. Because it's cute
2. There are about 487239 kinds of braids to choose from
3. Easy to learn how to do, with tutorials everywhere
4. An up-do to keep my hair out of my face AND not damage the roots. I want my hair to be long enough to wipe the floor with glitter. (Kidding, kinda.)

Here are a few of my favorite looks.

Your saving your hair from the unnecessary pulling and tugging. & they're so pretty!!

How do you keep your hair out of the way?